Although I disprove of hosting this fantastic blog on the very socialist-oriented Le Monde website*, I can only applaud the finesse** of the observations from Martin, also known as "Everland".
"The democrats' campaign gets tough"

"UMP" is the name of President Sarkozy's party, recently getting incredibly low ratings.
He uses here his signature style patatoes' cartoons, as he previously did with his extremely successful Everland blog. I've been following his internet success for pretty much 4 years now, and was thrilled when he published to great success, last year "Le journal d'un remplacant" that had premiered on his blog.

One of my favorite ever from Everland (as I will always call him) is "The Planet". (Link on the bottom of the page)
It's always fascinating to see someone starting small on the web, and getting famous, rich and popular***. He even does french commercials now. Pfffff!!!!
And yes, it's narrated by Andre Dussolier, the famed French actor who also did the Voice Over for Amelie.
Both of Martin's blogs are linked on the right side of this blog, in the link section. Don't forget to check him out often.
* Irony
** En Francais dans le texte
*** According to the 2011 edition of Forbes "the richest comic artists".
Merci de partager, je connaissais pas du tout et c bien fait!
Héhé, I know it for a long time. Ben and I have another "graph connection" with French cartoons bloggers like him and Baril :)
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